четверг, 2 октября 2014 г.



Eve - is the human body, collection of particles of the Physical, Astral and Mental Plans.
Adam - is a "Human Consciousness", "Human I", bodies-shells of particles of the Buddhic Plan. If we use the terms "Matter" and "Spirit" in the form in which they are used in most esoteric books, the Spirit is particles of higher plans with respect to particles of lower Plans. And the Matter is particles of lower Plans with respect to the particles of higher Plans.
Then Adam - Buddhic particles - this is the Spirit with respect to Eve – the Matter - particles of Physical, Astral and Mental Plans, forming in total the densest aspects of the human body.
The concept of "Matter" is well consistent with the female maternal principle. While the concept of "Spirit" has always been identified with the male, paternal origin by considering men as carriers of the supreme principle, and women – as the lowest. This is not surprising if to consider the domination of males over females. Hence, it becomes clear that served as the basis for the biblical parable about Adam and Eve. Adam – a man - has become the personification of the Human Soul – Human I. And Eve – a woman – is the symbol of the human body.
At the outset of the parable we say that originally Adam and Eve lived in Paradise. Here we should look at what is Heaven and Hell.
Heaven and Hell - are the states of consciousness. Heaven (Paradise) – is a state of peace, absence of conflicts, confrontation. Hell - it's the opposite state - fighting, separating, and discord.
Staying of Adam and Eve in Paradise means that in earlier eras of human existence as a species, the Soul (I) was still asleep. It was a period of human childhood. A Consciousness is not yet awakened, not mixed with the human body - with Eve. In our ordinary sleep a consciousness separates from the body and stays nearby but does not merge with the cerebral cortex. During waking consciousness penetrates deep into the cortex.
Particles of the Buddhic Plan fill the gaps between elements in the cortical cells. It occurs that what is called as to "regain consciousness". When the human mind (Soul) is merged with the cortex - the person is awake.
While Adam "was sleeping" in Paradise - that is, was in a state of blissful ignorance, Eve was tempted and seduced by the Devil (aka - Serpent, Satan), offering to "her" to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.
Who is the Devil, and what means "to taste the forbidden fruit?"
The Devil (D'evl) - this is a general name for the whole collections of particles of Physical, Astral and Mental Planes. Seduction and temptation of Eve by Devil means that the human body is made up of particles of only these Plans was (and is) the part of the Devil. The body deprived of close contact with particles of the Buddhic Plan (the Human Soul) as the guiding principle obeys to the memory stored in the body. The Temptation of the Devil - is the adherence to its information programs.
The Tree of Knowledge of good and evil - it's our entire Universe is involved in the process of combining particles of all plans. Proposal by Eve to Adam the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil symbolizes the process of involving particles of the Buddhic Plan in the process of building the Logoic Plan that is our Universe.
That moment when Adam eats "fruit" symbolizes the fusion process of the Human Soul (Buddhic consciousness) with the Body. This moment of merger corresponds to the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise.
In the parable does not say that after the expulsion from Eden, Adam and Eve go to Hell. But the way it is. Heaven and Hell - are two main and the only possible state of consciousness. It's like two poles. Between them there is an infinite variety of variations. The lack of unity and integrity speaks about the existence of struggle and confrontation (Hell).
When the Soul was merged with the body, it was unhappy that it had to endure. A Consciousness has felt all the hardships of existence in the animal body. "Adam saw the naked", "the need to provide food by hard work", "pregnancy and childbirth in women," and other adversities. All this has become a huge burden for Adam – for Soul that quite accustomed to quite another life in Heaven. A state of blissful ignorance (Paradise) was replaced by a state of frightening knowledge (Hell). A staying in the complex of particles of three lower plans was very difficult.
Prior to the merger of Adam with Eve, he (the soul, Adam) lived in Paradise - this was the state of inexpressible joy. The fact that Eve was appointed as an assistant to Adam points out that human consciousness has more energy and more advanced programs behavior compared with the particles of the three lower plans. The total velocity of the energy (ether) from the body of Buddhic Plan is more. That is why the body becomes an assistant to the soul, but not vice versa.

Thank you very much for your attention!

danina.t@yandex.ru  - e-mail
The books of the series “The Teaching of Djwhal Khul – Esoteric Natural Science” - “The main occult laws and concepts” - http://www.amazon.com/Main-Occult-Laws-Concepts -ebook/dp/B00GUJJR72
(paperback - http://www.amazon.com/The-Teaching-Djwhal-Khul-concepts/dp/1499625421
“New Esoteric Astrology, 1” - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JF6RMCY (paperback - https://www.createspace.com/4827294)
And here is the book of my grandpa, Michael Novikov, a military paramedic. You can read his memories about the Finnish war http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JYDITQ6



This article should consider as direct continuation of the article “Chakras – opened and closed. The mechanism of Initiation (briefly)”.
Here we prolong the theme of mechanism of Initiation.  In article followed over this we will talk about not less importance question – to the Rising of Kundalini.
In the book of Alice Bailey “Initiation, human and solar” there is analogy between human organism, planetary (planet) and solar (solar system). As above, is so below.
And a planet, and a solar system – these are organisms similar to the human, just having another scale and other form (form and scale are not most main thing here). Planets and solar systems as and Galaxies, and Super Galaxies, and of course all Universe these are organisms living as every their component is live and has a Consciousness – we talk about elementary particles.
Any body – it’s totality of assembling it wills. The will in this way – it’s a consciousness of a smaller unit. But in the finite result we all the same come to the most small – indivisible, to the atom, to the particle, to the energy center.
Not only men can go through the Initiations, but also the planets. And solar systems and Galaxies. And Super Galaxies.  All Universe as a whole goes through one global Initiation.
Representatives of lower kingdoms – animals, plants, minerals – also aren’t deprived of their due share of this opportunity. Acceptance of various kinds of the Initiations – it’s inalienable and constant part of our world. This is a process more frequent and usual than uninitiated can guess about this.
All in Nature is subordinated to the endless rhythm of initiations which are rolled on the beach of the Universe in their own only to them known order again and again.
In traditions of oriental schools of spiritual development there are mentioning about 4 Initiations through which person goes through as measure of his (her) evolution. In other way they are named as the Initiations of 4 elements.
We should explain what happens at this time in the organism, in thin shells.
From Initiation to initiation into thin bodies in the series all more and more sparse, energy-saturated shells containing the bigger percent of particles Yan (emitting energy) integrate.
The person in series goes through the Initiations of Earth, Water, Fire and Air. Just in this sequence in the scales of the Universe it increases an energy level of elementary particles –from the Fields of Attraction (Earth, Water) to the Fields of Repulsion (Fire, Air).
At that Fields of Attraction gradually decrease and Fields of Repulsion increase.
The level of energy smoothly grows. Just in this order the level of energy changes inside thin shells of person.
As you see energy in the body is added gradually. It gives time for adaptation of low bodies especially of dense physical. If the energy in one moment jumps from the Earth level to the Air level, passing Water and Fire, organism would die.
As you see in this question the Nature is led by all the same well making a good showing principle of smooth and gradual approximation to the wished purpose. This method – is the wisest in the Universe. It always gives the best results as against the method of quick leaps.
If we locate the particles of the Universe in the hierarchical order in accordance with quality of using or producing by them of energy, then they are disposed just in this order – Earth, Water, Fire and Air.
The Initiations goes at the same order.
Every man takes the Initiation of Earth automatically, just giving birth in this world.
The Initiation of Water is named yet – Parjanya-Varuna.
Of Fire – is the Initiation Agni.
Of Air – is the Initiation Vayu.
Original Christian name for the Initiation – is Baptism.
A Cross – is the symbol of association in single whole the particles of different Plans.
It is no wonder that the Baptism (Initiation) by Water at Christians forestalls the Baptism (Initiation) by Fire.
As you see there is a full analogy with Oriental traditions.
Besides just in this order particles react on the Gravity (attraction). In the direction from Air to Earth particles are all more strongly attracted (because gravitation). This rule can be observed by an example the photons of visible diapason, when they are refracted and make spectrum. Refraction of the light way – this is just its gravitation – attraction of photons.  To the violet part of spectrum the refraction (gravity) increases, and to the red – decreases.
Interestingly that on this scale of elements the reaction of particles to the antigravity is directly opposite.  From Earth to Air, going through Water and Fire, the particles are all better repulsed from the objects emitting Ether - antigravitating.        
From the Initiation to the Initiation the thin bodies of person are build into itself all more and more the particles Yan, till the number of particlesof both types – Yin and Yan – equalizes.
This is a scientific-esoteric sense of the Eastern Initiations of 4 elements.



The book of Jasmuheen "The Food of Gods" has greatly contributed to the writing of this article.
Reading introductory chapters I several times met in the text her words that we are facing a choice of how to make our body - emitting or absorbing - energy. These words immediately became the trigger. Because the theme of duality of our world, the universe - one of the central problems in our work. Creators and destroyers, Yin and Yang, Matter and Spirit, mass and energy, etc.
In response to the ideas of Jasmuheen I immediately recalled about the chakras - closed and open. I lit up with a flash of insight. I suddenly realized the reasons for their openness and closeness. The mechanism of this phenomenon appeared before my mind's eye with the utmost clarity. That is what I want to try to convey to you. And also to start a story of what is an Initiation. After all, this issue is directly related to the theme of chakras. Actually, an Initiation is the process of changing the chakras - opening, closing, and the ignition and reorientation, as well as their interaction with each other and with the outside world.
In occultism a number of concepts at the same time has several, little different from each other semantic loads.
This applies to such categories as Matter, Spirit, and Soul.
We also identified the "chakra" with the elementary building block of the universe, putting it on a par with terms such as "atom" and "elementary particle".
In the Universe everything is "as below, so above". Overall we can observe an analogy - both in structure and in development.
A chemical element in its structure is similar to a planet, a planet – to a solar system, the last – to a Galaxy, a Galaxy – to a Super galaxy, and so on, until the rung of the ladder - to the Central Heavenly Body of the Universe.
Because our Universe exists in the form of a great big galaxy.
An atom, an elementary particle - this is a smallest force center, a center of creation. A chemical element – is a bigger force center, which is a cluster of elementary particles.
Any celestial body – is a cluster of chemical elements. All elementary particles, as is known, divided into two main types - absorbing and emitting. Or to absorb energy-information-ether, or emit. Yin or Yang. However, any of them and creates energy, and destroys.
In any conglomerate of particles both types are present. A percentage ratio of types may be any.
Depending on this ratio any conglomerate is either predominantly emitting or absorbing.
The same can be said of any celestial body and just the body in general.
An absorbing planet - is unholy.
An emitting – is sacred.
Absorbing people are normal, emitting are Initiate, Holy.
A chakra - is not only a smallest subatomic particle. It is also a name of a power center as a conglomerate of particles.
Energy “is rotated” in any elementary particle - through time - appears and is destroyed (disappears).
In any conglomerate energy also rotates in a circle - first, because it is composed of particles, and, secondly, because the particles exchange energy with each other - Yin absorb the energy of Yang.
"A chakra" in the mouth of an esotericist symbolizes one of power centers in the human body.
A power center in this case - is a symbol of subtle bodies that encircle the dense physical body. Ethereal, astral, mental, buddhic bodies – all these are the thin bodies of human. The chakras.
These subtle bodies also consist of particles. The areas in the human aura, where is the greatest concentration of these particles, the practicing esotericist who feeling and seeing them just calls them as the chakras - centers of power.
That's what a chakra from the point of view of a practicing occultist.
But it will not be wrong to call as chakras subtle bodies of human. At the very least, any power center - is a direct expression of any Plan or Sub-Plan.
And here we just come to the theme of open and closed chakras – to their reasons for opening and closing.
Opening and closing of chakras are directly connected with the level of a human holiness.
A Holiness of human is determined by measure of energetic saturation. Then more it is saturated, the more it is holy. And it’s nothing else.
The more energy per unit of time it is "produced" in the body, including the subtle bodies, not just the physical, and then more holy, more energy-saturated the person is. A Holiness, an Initiation - it's just that. Moreover, the higher is the Plan, the more energy its particles produce per unit of time. Therefore, the thinner, higher Plans become the part of the human body, the more holy, and more spiritual, more energetic it becomes.
The ratio of particles Yin and Yang within the same plan in the body too can change. If absorbing particles, Yin are predominated - they does not add holiness. Quite the contrary – they reduce the level of energy. This is the darkness.
If the number of particles Yang becomes more and more - in each of the subtle bodies - and it is compared with the number of Yin - then this is the Sanctity.
In that is precisely the whole secret of Initiation.
That way going from the Initiation to the Initiation, a person adds to the bodies more particles Yang. Ideally the number of Yin should be equal to the Yang number. Then amount of emitted energy is exactly equaled to amount of absorbed. And the man becomes the God. Because in the body of our Creator, the Universe, there are equally of Yin and Yang, how much energy is emitted, so much is absorbed. It's the perfect balance, allowing the universe to remain in equilibrium.
 And precisely in this the mystery of love is. God is love. You can often hear these words. But what's behind them?
It’s an absolute harmony. Love in the ideal - is to absorb as much as to give. Then there is no excess or deficiency. Everything is constantly refilled. No one is hurt. And this is the mystery of the Second Ray.
The second Ray is yellow particles. In the three low plans they absorb energy, but less than blue. And in the top three - emit, but less than red. Summary, across the Universe, exactly yellow, the Second Ray, are ideally harmonized. Not blue, and not red.
In unholy man there are dominated particles that absorb energy - blue and yellow.
We say otherwise - the particles of lower part of spectrum are dominated. It’s in all bodies - not only in dense. Because of this these bodies-shells of the human are absorbing of energy and not emitting - or at least they would be in balance.
The human body does not have enough energy produced by its. And it has to take the outer. To warm up by the fire - we can say literally and figuratively. To absorb energy from the surrounding sources.
Because of this the body turns into a kind of point for external energy. But energy - it is an information. Always. So you can imagine - how much extraneous information a human has to pass through him (her). Any - positive, negative.
Trying to make your life less like carousel of information, the person starts to limit the contacts with the outside world, making them elective. In order to absorb only the energy that he (she) likes and is familiar. He deliberately closes his chakras, for fear of falling into the body of unnecessary energy.
When a person goes through the series of Initiations, he (she) begins to produce more energy through him (her-)self. His life becomes more stable. If before any external could influence on his life, whip from the way, then now he becomes the competent member of life melodrama. He (she) try an influence, but make an impact on the surround. His chakras are opened. He (she) consciously opens them to the world to communicate with it, because he (she) no more fears it.
This consists all sense of concepts “opened chakras and closed”. A closed chakra – it’s a chakra not tuned up to the receiving of external information, more precisely, turned up to the receiving of selective information.
In what follows a person tries to attune the organism by such way that communicate with external world with the help only one chakra – seventh, complex. This chakra – is a Single Eye of the body.
“If thine eye be Single, thy whole body shall be full of light” – such the ancient wisdom, embodied in the book of Alice Bailey “Feats of Heracles”.
This Single chakra – it’s the body of seventh, Logoic Plan. Body of the higher Plan – Monadic – overshadows head of person, where under it (under this higher body) is the shell of the Atmic Plan, and all other four – Buddhic, Mental, Astral and Physical. This higher, complex body reports to all organism energy impulses, and for its turn receives reciprocal ones.
It means that seventh chakra becomes the guiding principle of person. At him all chakras stop to dominate, except the seventh. If before this at person all chakras could react on external environment individually – in him – cordial, or guttural, or solar plexus, or the others, then now the contact with the world is determined by only one chakra.  
 Others are subordinated to it and listen to it. Its energy impulses for them – are the most important. It doesn’t mean that body stops to exchange with outward things by particles, by energy (ether) with the help of these chakras.  
No, the chakras are active and “burn” as before. Only with the difference that now all perceiving and all reporting to the world energy-information they compare with a higher template – with information stored in the seventh chakra. A person becomes show by himself a single whole – none discord. This is a single perfect being. In this is all meaning of the evolution, all meaning of development of our Universe – a creating of such perfect beings, Mahatmas. At the same time lower chakras all also active.
However now they first of all respond on information that comes from the seventh chakra. The lower chakras become the channels connecting Spirit and Matter. They don’t guide by the body themselves.
The books of Alice Bailey are devoted exactly to this question.
The Spirit is immersing into the Matter – the higher Plans connect with lower. It’s the involution. This leads to the energetization of a person, to the evolution, Ascension, Salvation, Easter. And the Matter – i.e. organism – overcomes gravitation and propensity to material – and rises to the Sky. In the organism there are equally Yin and Yan, Matter and Spirit.
From the Initiation to the initiation organism accept into itself all more and higher Plans, and learn to interact with them. When the bodies of the higher Plans only overshadow the head, weakly penetrate, they can’t full-scale cooperate with the bodies of the lower Plans in the organism.  When an energy-saturated body of higher Plans penetrates the head deeply the most wonderful and unique begins.
The transfiguration of consciousness begins, and then of the whole organism. The low chakras of organism were active before this, but the higher were not. And during of the penetrating the high Consciousness more and deeper inside the head, the low chakras cease to dominate, and, the higher, opposite, become the leading. Till they become the driven too – except one of them – seventh – Single Eye – Sahasrara.
Such is the common schema and the general plan, and common direction of development of any organism.
And there is a little more information about chakras.
Closed and opened chakras.
When clairvoyant looks at the person he (she) sees the energy centers (chakras) as flowers of life. Or closed buds – are dark, dim and little-active, or – bright flowers – are burn like the Sun. The first ones he will describe as closed chakras, the second will name the opened. Their openness or closeness – it’s not a figurative expression. It’s their real energy state.
When into composition of thin shell forming that or other chakra, enter more and more particles Yan (emitting energy-ether), from what their number equates with the number of particles Yin (absorbing ether), the chakra is opened.
What does it mean?
This means that the energy center is opening to the external world. The chakra begins to exchange energy with surrounding bodies. If there are little of particles Yang, energy is produced a little. It’s enough only for circulation within own energy center.  All this little quality of energy is absorbed the chakra by itself, its particles Yin. The power of ether flow is not enough to full-scale communicate with outwards things.
A chakra – is the central area of any thin shells constitutive the body, is this a man or an animal, a plant or a mineral. Or a superhuman. A chakra – is the heart of this thin body-shell. But borders of thin body don’t coincide with the borders of  the chakra. They stretch much farther. Borders of thin bodies are rather amorphous and changeable. For example when the person learns to attention, concentration, memorization, or becomes proficient in any other intellectual function, he actually is trained to operate with his mental body. He learns to modify its form. With its help he gets information from the outward things.  Any of thin bodies-shells is able to exchange energy-information with surroundings.
Communication is carried out such way.
A thin body forms from itself the channel of communication, or can say a “tongue of communication”.  Tongue as a protuberance. Like at the Sun. That one, that can “lick” studied body and divide with it information. A thin shell pours over the researched body or environment by its energy. This energy flux in accordance with physical laws forces out the same or almost the same portion of energy-ether from this body.
This is “exchange of information”.  Not fictitious, figurative, but real, literal.
So and it is happening the communication on all levels, at any Plan, at any chakra, at any body.
But this is not an only existing mechanism of exchanging by energy.
Every body accumulates in its chemical elements the solar particles (photons).  When photon is in the body, it records information about this body, and temporary becomes as if its integral part. So if such photon gets into another place – flies through or attracts – it “tell” about that body where it has come from.
Because except of exchange by energy-ether fluxes directly, bodies also can give to each other the portions of free particles – photons, “charged” with information. Can name this method by electromagnetic.
Here so the chakras and communicates with the outward things – energy or particles (they also transmit an energy).
Than more of energy one or another thin body produces, i.e. the more in it there are the particles Yang, then on more distance it could “reach” with its energy language. And then more long will prolongs inertial moving of emitted free particles. After all only inertial moving of particles Yan can last forever.
Here and is all secret. More energy chakra is more open, it more intensively communicates with the world.

If there is little of energy, the chakra is closed. Its energy there is barely enough for circulation within itself and the body of organism.



The low Plans in whole are rupa – here forms live.
The forms are replayed by particles Yin – absorbing energy (ether). Doing this they thereby fasten all together. By such way it’ creation of forms happens.
 In mechanics there is such concept – “deformation”. This is changing, destruction of the form under effect of some Force.
What bodies are more difficult to deform? Dense, hard. They need to apply the force, and significant. Try to deform a piece of iron! But liquids are deformed very easy – blow on it, and there is a ripple on it. And to deform a gas is yet simpler.
But in what is the cause of difference?
An answer is diverse ratio of the particles Yin and Yang.
In liquids the percent of the particles Yang is bigger than in metals. In gases it is bigger than in liquids. And they deform easy because Yang doesn’t create connections between itself and others. They only destroy.
In three lower Plans particles Yin dominate in whole. So the matter of these Plans is denser. From the Physical to the Mental a dense falls. This is rupa Plans.  Though they have bodies - rupa and arupa.
And in three high Plans the percent of Yang is bigger. This is arupa Plans.
“At the Fourth, the Sons are told to create their Images, One-Third refuses. Two obey.
The Curse is pronounced. They will be born in the Fourth, suffer and cause suffering. This is the First War” (Stanza 6.5).
This quote has direct relation to the theme of our conversation.
The Sons are energy units, particles.
“One-Third refuses” – this is exactly two high Plans of six. In them the percent of particles Yang is the largest.
“Two obey” – forms of the Universe first of all are built of the Physical, Astral, Mental, Buddhic and Atmic Plans.
In the forth kingdom (human) – two higher Plans will begin gradually to join – i.e. will born.



Let’s stop on the theme of Baptism. How to interpret the meaning of that sacrament? How to understand the sense of Baptism by Water and Baptism by Fire? And how they connect with each other?
We start with the fact that the Cross – it’s a symbol of the Mankind Kingdom. The Four-petal Lotus is the Merging in one whole of the particles of four Plans - Physical, Astral, Mental and Buddhic.
This is in the narrow sense.
And in the more wide, the Cross indicates on the process of association the particles of different quality, for example, Yin and Yang.
Thus, the concept “Baptism” should be interpreted as a connection of the particles (or, we can say, bodies) of different quality, forming the human organism.
As is well known two main Baptisms exist in Christianity – by Water and by Fire. What is that, and how should understand their meaning?
Both Baptisms for “fathers of church” are sacraments. It’s surprisingly as far as little true meaning of this striking phenomenon is understood.
Baptism by Water, representing in reality no more than symbolical image, turned into some attribute of protection from “dark powers” (whammy, vitiation and so on), in the obligatory ritual ceremonies, entirely pagan.
An ablution of kid (or adult) by connecting of two chemical elements – this is only a symbol. And some shamanistic, protective meaning is given to it. Supposedly that after hanging to a person on the neck a piece of iron in the shape of crucified Christ he (she) becomes invulnerable for evil.    
Of course, it is impossible to deny that fact the talismans (and the “cross” is talisman) possess some power – all depends from that, who created it, who touched it, who wears it and of what material it’s made.
This is interesting theme, but we don’t stay on this now. However to associate the wearing of talisman (“cross”) and Baptism by Water in whole one – it’s a full absence of true understanding that what is Baptism.
But let’s return to the interpretation of the meaning.
In the Bible, in New Testament, in Gospel from John says that nobody enters in God’s Kingdom, not baptized by Water and not accepted the Holy Spirit from high.  “Jesus answered: truly, truly say to you: if somebody isn’t born from water and Spirit, can’t enter into God’s Kingdom” (New Testament from John, Chapter 3:5).
The Holy Spirit – it’s the same as the Fire. Thus Christ claimed that nobody touches the Heavenly Kingdom (at essence it is the same as dive into Nirvana) until accepts double Baptism – by Water and by Fire.
What does it mean?
Water in occultism – it’s the symbol of Matter, Fire – of Spirit.
The Baptism by Water necessarily must precede to the Baptism by Fire.
Baptism by Water – it’s merging in the one whole the particles of material principle, bodies (shells) of three lower Plans – Physical, Astral and Mental – which can consider as the Matter in respect to three high Plans – Buddhic, Atmic and Monadic, that are the Spirit  (Fire) as regarding to the lowers.
After that happens full merging (Individualization, Initiation and Identification) of bodies of three lower Plans – i.e. Baptism by Water finishes, and begins the time for the next stage – evolutionary. It’s time for Baptism by Fire – sequential joining the bodies of three high Plans.  
The Human Kingdom first of all begins to join the “fiery Plans”, and namely Buddhic. I.e. each of us, is just born, is already involved into the process of Baptism by Fire.
 We can attract attention of beings of two more high Plans – Atmic and Monadic, even more “fiery”. And then, if it happens, if their bodies integrate into our organism, then our Fiery Baptism gains yet the more strength and power. And we become the Mahatmas ourselves - Great Souls, Godlike, in whose organisms the particles of all six simple Plans are united (like the Creator).
An organism of Mahatma is the representative of the Seventh Plan – Logoic, complex.
That's what the Baptism by Water and by Fire from the position the Teachers of Ageless Wisdom, and so they are interrelated.
We can consider the Old Testament, John Baptist and   Baptism by Water as the symbols of material origin, Yin.
While the New Testament, Jesus Christ and Baptism by Fire – are the images of spiritual principle, Yang.



In religious and esoteric literature there are not less complications, ambiguities and misunderstandings than in usual books, and doesn’t everything simply.
The Spirit is regarded by the true Male Principle of the Universe, the partner of the Matter.
Nevertheless we consider that and in this question are hidden quite a few inaccuracies.
In the Christian Trinity the Father – it’s not the Second Hypostasis, but the First, main, given birth to the Son, and from her emanates the Holy Spirit.
In Stanzas of the Book of Dzyan the Father is called – the Father, and the Father is united with the Mother – “Mother-Father”. In the same place he is named yet as Godlike Thought (the Matter – Godlike Bosom).
And in religious and occult texts there are quite many Trinities.
“Father – Son – Holy Spirit” (Christian), “Spirit – Soul – Body” (philosophic), “Spirit – Soul – Body” (philosophic).
There are still two Hindu Trinities: “Shiva – Vishnu – Brahma”, “Atma – Buddhi – Manas”.
And also there is a Trinity, meeting in the books of Alice Bailey: “Life – Quality – Phenomenon”.
From all listed Trinities only in one of them is mentioned the word “Father” – in Christian Trinity: “Father – Son – Holy Spirit”.
In it the Father and is named so - the “Father”.
Here simultaneously there are concepts “Father” and “Spirit”. And it indicates that every of them has its own meaning and fulfills its own function. As you see, in this Trinity the Spirit – is not the Father.
Nevertheless traditionally we consider that the Spirit and the Father – are synonyms.
Probably, because the Spirit – Breath – as the Male Principle in the Nature at fertilization becomes the reason of beginning of new Life – i.e. enlivens the Matter.
In Stanzas it’s not said about the Father as of something separated from the Matter.
In the Old Testament Eve and Adam are together too. Eve symbolizes the Matter.
And then who is Adam as the symbol, if the Serpent that tempted the Eve, best suited to the role of that what impregnates the Atoms, i.e. on the role of the Spirit?
But from other side all in the Universe is born in the result of union of “Fire” and “Water”, where the Water – is the Matter, and the Fire – is the Spirit.
The Spirit – it’s the Breath of the Matter itself, of Primordial Substance, the First Male Principle, generated by the Virgin Mother.
 Let’s accept the concept that Spirit – is the Father. A union of the Mother and the Father, Yin and Yang, gives birth to the Soul, to the Son – an elementary particle.
In accordance with texts of the Book Dzyan it comes out that the Spirit – this is the Spurned, Eighth Son of the Mother, who also is named the First Born.
Thus in the Trinity “Father – Son – Holy Spirit” the word “Father” reflects an image of the Mother (as it not surprisingly), the Most First Principle, generating other two.
The word “Son” symbolizes the Soul, an elementary particle.
And “Holy Spirit” – it’s exactly the Spirit, the Light.



Christ and Antichrist, Heaven and Hell, Baptism by Fire and Baptism by Water, Spirit and Matter – all these are from the series indicating to the pairs of opposites.
The word “Christianity” has a double meaning.
From one side, this is an real person, holy, Mahatma, who passed through all five Initiations, and acquired during this way the status of a Superhuman and an Ascended Teacher.
From other side – it’s a symbol of the Spirit, the Light, the Fire, and the Father.
Often in the New Testament you can meet a statement that Christos is the Son of God.
All is true. Under the “Son of God” we should understand a repetition in a miniature the image of God – all six Plans are merged together in the body of Christ.
Christ is a symbol of the Spirit. The concept “Spirit”, as you remember, can be used in general meaning as an indication on the Spirit spilled in the Space,   or the Spirit - it's particles with Fields of Repulsion, Yang.
By irony of fate, but most probably just because of misunderstanding the true sense of occult concepts Lucifer in Christianity is opposed to Christ and identified with his antipode – Antichrist.
But Lucifer is just an analog of Christ. An explanation of the meaning of the concept “Lucifer” as an antagonist of Christ is erroneous.
The Church, Bride of Christ, should be considered as a symbol of Matter – in this case as elementary particles with Fields of Attraction, Yin.
But the Bride of Christ – is the Matter deprived of her dominated position.  She is led by Christ – i.e. the Spirit.
There is one more concept in the Christianity that is opposite to Christ – it's Antichrist. So what is it?
Antichrist – it’s the same as the Matter. However unlike the Bride of Christ, it keeps Human’s “I” in prisoner.
Antichrist – it’s the “Beast”, animal principle of the human organism, three sixes (666), three Plans – Physical, Astral and Mental – enslaving the human Soul, the body of the Buddhic Plan.
Christos constitutes the Savior of human “I” from the yoke of the unenlightened Matter, Antichrist. Christ – is two highest Plans – Atmic and Monadic – a spiritual principle as in relation to three lowest Plans, and to the Human Consciousness, related with the Buddhic Plan.
Hell and Heaven are the States of Consciousness.
Hell – it’s an identification of the Human “I” with the material principle, sensation of its headship and insubordination.
The feeling of “Hell” is tightly connected with awakening in the person of the “Beast”, an animal nature, Antichrist.
Exactly the same way Heaven – it’s the state of the Human Consciousness. It’s possible to be in Paradise in the disembodied state, or don't breaking the connection with dense body. The last corresponds to the Buddhist “Staying in Nirvana”. Power over the Matter, control above an animal principle. At the same time, the Matter isn’t just under control. No, she is dissolved in the Spirit, identified with him, she is his part and indivisible whole. We can say that the power is given voluntarily, and the union is based on the love. In accordance with the Law of Identification, there is a subjection of the largest Force (Information). This means that the information, which is transmitted by the most powerful particles Yang (i.e. emitting the Ether with the biggest speed), is the most important and valuable. If to speak by cleanly occult language (not adding the scientific terminology), then such particles can be described as having the most strong and most thin vibrations.
“To take the Christ into the heart” means to identified own inferior material “I” (the heart is a symbol of Astral Principle) with the highest, spiritual Plans, presented in the body, consisting of lager amount of particles Yang. These higher Plans – are the Christ for the inferior Plans. Information of the higher Plans affects on the information of inferior – and rebuilds by such way the lower bodies-shells.
The Human's Soul (shell, consisting of the particles of the Buddhic Plan), experiencing such transforming influence from the Spirit (Christ), becomes “saved”, and it can consider as “staying in the Paradise”.
If the material principle in the human doesn’t subordinate and is an independent Power, able to direct the actions and acts of person, then it can consider that the Human Soul “has got to Hell”.
As you remember, in accordance with the Law of Identification, the last taken information has the most importance. And this state of “most importance” is saved until this information arrived into particles does not “canceled” by the new, more valuable one.
From this it follows the conclusion, relating to the postmortem existence of person.
The state of Human Consciousness, which was typical for him during the life, persists by him as the managing, dominant and after death until another stronger Energy-Information will   affect on him.  
What is this “stronger Information”?
 This is the bodies of essences living in the space, on the higher Plans, and containing bigger percent of particles Yang. They with bigger speed emit Information – i.e. Ether.
All as regards the questions of interaction of Energies-Informations is extremely important for understanding of the main points that happens at “Initiations”.
But it’s not only for this. In surrounding us life we constantly meet with demonstrations of the Law of Identification. We need to learn to differentiate these various manifestations and calmly observe them, and also as far as possible to control them.
Because of the mentioned conservation after death  last lifetime states, probably most of stories about experience of the Human Soul “getting after death or in Heaven, or in Hell” can be considered enough truthful.
But you must also remember about the fact that any one of after-death states is not constant. As already was said, if a particle is influenced by new, more powerful Information, its condition changes. Probably so when the person just has died or is dying to him invite the people who can affect well on the Human Consciousness, remove from it negative memories – loving close familiars and friends, relatives, shamans, priests). Therefore the ritual of absolution, repentance exists – this clears the Soul, and it goes to “free life” – into another world -   clean, devoid of chaining it false (sinful) programs of behavior.
The Human Soul after death in the most measure will gravitate to those Plans that are more strongly influence on it during the life.
After-death existence of the Human “I” is fully determinated by its Karma, its Chronics of Akasha, that Information, which impressed in the particles of the Human Consciousness at the life.
That’s why so useful for our Soul an influence all of higher, that helping us to go out the frameworks of trivial state.
Of course, it does not mean, that contact with the three lowest Plans is harmful. Not in the least.
However you should realize that Physical Plan, Astral and Mental before others begin to participate in constructing of Kingdoms of Nature: the Physical Plan before than the Astral, the Astral before than the Mental, the Mental before than the Buddhic, the Buddhic later than the Atmic. And the Monadic Plan enters in this process after all, because it is saturated by particles Yan more than all others. And the speed of emitting of Ether by particles of this Plan is biggest.

We can say that the lower Plans personified the history of Earth (and not only of Earth, but in general, in oecumenical scales), the history of formation and evolution the life on it. So it’s naturally to suppose, that the low Plans – are carriers of more earlier, more primitive information.



The Holy Grail - is the vessel, to where the blood of Christ is going. More precisely, not where it's going, but where it circulates.
This vessel - it's Mother's Womb (Matter) with the Spirit manifested in it - that is, the Soul, an elementary particle. This is the Holy Grail.
The Blood of Christ - is the Serpent of Space (the Dragon of Wisdom), flowing Ether (Spirit) which causes objectivization, the manifestations of this universe.
The expression "the Blood of Christ" is closely linked with other concepts encountered in the occult sources - the "sweat of the Mother", "scum". The Blood of Christ - is the second aspect of God, the "Water of Life", Energy "Will-Be".
The Body of Christ – is a synonym for the Holy Grail – for the Matter with the Spirit manifested in it. The Soul – is the visible Universe.

The blood is flowing in the Body. And as long as the blood flows, the body is alive - that is exists. If the Blood will stop to run, the body will die - disappear.



The image of Buddha in Buddhism also is symbolic as the image of Christ in Christianity.
Buddha - is awakened one. It is almost the same as the buddhi - Awakening, the first thought of the One, Impersonal (Brahman) after waking up, i.e. during the transition from Manvantara into Pralaya.
Buddha (Buddha) - is the same as the Buddhi – the Mind, Divine Thought, Spirit, is embodied in the Matter.
Buddha plays the role of the Male Principle generating this phenomenal world.
Christ in Christianity has the same symbolic function - the male principle, married to the female principle - the Church of Christ, with the result that there is this phenomenal world.
Buddha and Christ – are the symbols of the Spirit manifested in the Matter. Buddha was suffering in this world. But the Noble Eightfold Path saved him from suffering and led to Nirvana.

Christ suffered on the cross, but after his death, he ascended and was in the Paradise.

And in fact, in both cases, the sufferings in this phenomenal world are completed by liberation and peace.
The Ascension of Christ and the Buddha’s entry into Nirvana – are the symbols of achieving by them, each in his life, the state that the Bible called as the Apocalypse.
The Apocalypse - is the salvation of the Human Consciousness from the clutches of material existence, Getaway, "Exodus from bondage in Egypt".
The period of mass achievements of such an existence within the boundaries of the universe is called by the Bible "the Millennial Kingdom of the Saints". This is not immersion into Pralaya. No, Pralaya will follow later, when - is unknown. When the purpose of the God will be completed.

Obviously, Buddha and Christ were done the symbols by those people who made biographies of real personalities, who wore these names.



H.P. Blavatsky identifies Akasha in her works with Mulaprakriti that is not quite true. Mulaprakriti - is the Root-Matter, the Original Substance.
Akasha - does not the Matter that is not the first aspect of Creator. Akasha - it's directly the changing of the material basis. Akasha - is synonymous to the Spirit, the second aspect. Akasha is a Sanskrit word - "visibility", which in itself indicates that the Akasha is related to the state of manifestation. While Mulaprakriti hidden in the "integument, forever unseen." This is - the first place.
Second, the main characteristic of Akasha is "shabda" (sound), which indicates a relationship with the Voice, Speech, Word, the list of synonyms, where each concept represents the way of manifestation of the Spirit in the Matter.
Third, according to the Upanishads, Akasha - is the first element (bhuta), which the Brahman created. And first, as we know, the Spirit was born. The Element of the Matter - it's not the Matter itself, but its altered state. Akasha - this is one of the great elements - Mahabhuta. Akasha - this is the fifth element, formed in the Matter, which combines together all other four elements - Air, Fire, Water and Earth. An Impulse of Manifestations (Akasha), indeed, imbues every point of the space, penetrates any of existing elementary particles.
Fourth, Akasha is characterized by the "inherent light and darkness," and this corresponds to reality. A method of forming of Akasha - is to build of two types of construction units - Light (Yang) and Dark (Yin).

Fifth, Akasha - is a "repository of knowledge and information," and rightfully so, as the Akasha – is the Spirit, and the Spirit - this is information.



Now you are at the beginning of this series of books devoted to the main fields of the human science.
And after we dive into the analysis of the processes and phenomena of this world, go through all the intricacies of the Matter, Spirit and Soul and analyze different types of elementary particles, chemical elements and their compounds, and all sorts of representatives of the various Kingdoms of Nature, we recommend to you to come back to the realization this all taken together - no more than a disturbance in the space - Maya, an illusion, a dream that can "see" the Creative Space.
And everywhere, everywhere there is nothing but the God.



What is beyond the borders of the infinite universe?
Verily, it is the most eternal and unfathomable question of all asked by person to himself. Before it the best minds of mankind retreat in the powerlessness. This is the greatest mysteries of the cosmos, which the human mind has not yet been able to solve.
As if inside each of us turn on some emergency blocking system of consciousness, as only a person tries to present to himself that, in his view, must limit our universe and continue further.
Just here and there a complete paralysis of thought comes, bordering on a panic. After all, from the point of view of any of us, it is illogical: that what contains so much of the ending, measuring, itself has no end or edge and cannot be definitively measured. It must have - our inner voice tells us. But if does it have? Then what? What does surround the Universe? And what does surround that, what does surround the universe? And what does surround that, what does surround that, what does surround the universe? And so on. The mind gives up, overextends, and refuses to submit unimaginable. But it may be that where the logic is powerless, does the intuition help us? Maybe does someone on the Earth know the answer to this overriding question? Or is anyone in the Universe? Let's hope that's the case...
Perfectly the issue of the infinity of the space rises in the book of Nicholas Roerich's "Seven Great Mysteries of Cosmos":
“Since times immemorial people have looked at the starry sky reverentially, admiring the glimmer of innumerable worlds. Man was amazed by the grandeur of Cosmos since the very beginning of his presence on the Earth. Especially in solitude of the immense desert or amid the conglomeration of gigantic mountains man unintentionally plunges into the thoughts of immensibility of the Universe, infinity of the Cosmic space.
Human mind has been astonished by that Infinity. But also it could not imagine Cosmos being limited. Assuming the existence of the limit of space somewhere, another question arises immediately: what is beyond that limit? If it is not the space then what is it? Every time the human mind has to admit that Cosmos cannot have any limits. Cosmic space infinitely stretches on all sides” (Nicholas Roerich's "Seven Great Mysteries of Cosmos", The First Mystery Days and Nights of Brahma).



The Infinity of the God-Absolute - is, literally, "an absence of limits".
The Creative Space is unified; it permeates and imbues all that exists, from a particle to particle. Everywhere in the Universe there is only one Space. And there's no boundaries for him, there are no limits. The particles have limits, but not the space containing and creating them.
The same can be said about chemical elements and bodies. In the outside world bodies have beginning and the ends. But the fact that there are borders for elements and bodies does not mean that they are for the Space saturating and creating them.
“I exist, supporting this whole world by one part of myself” (Bhagavad-gita, 10:42).
“The Bhagavad Gita: "Having pervaded this whole Universe with a fragment of Myself, I remain” (Alice Bailey “Esoteric Psychology, v.1).
"Supporting, pervading of the Universe" can be understood as a process of formation of each elementary particle. This feature - supporting, approval - performs Fohat performs that is "approvers" and "moulder".
The Fohat - is one of many synonyms for the concept of "Spirit", the second aspect of the manifested universe.
Existence in the Universe of the Spirit, Fohat, Energy is the reason for existence of elementary particles and their "hardness" in relation to one another.
By saturating the particles, Spirit as if declares its temporary right for a given volume of the space, in which the formed by it particle is located at this moment, and no other particles is no longer able to transgress this border. And any particle will always be an owner of the certain volume of Space, same for all.



By themselves elementary particles devoid of quality - i.e. do not destroy and do not create Ether - "ephemeral" - as if they are not there for each other.
This means that all elementary particles of the universe can be combined with each other and they "would feel".
Of course, in reality, this process of connecting with each other centers of power, deprived of quality, never happened. But this thought experiment helps to understand their nature.
Elementary particles can’t merge with each other because they are filled with Ether.
Notice how wonderfully everything works.
Ether filling in some point of time any particle belongs at this moment only this particle. And exactly Ether filling particles, give them and also to substance which they form a volume, defines the boundaries, "overstep" which neighboring particles can’t.
It is thanks the Ether filling them the particles require a certain place in the space.
However, exactly the particle is the cause of that within its sphere a certain amount of Ether is always kept. The radius of all particles is the same.
It can be assumed that elementary particles cause the discreteness of the Universe. The particles, how unimaginably huge there would not the number of them in the universe, can be counted "by the piece." But in respect of Ether it can’t be done.

Elementary particles fragment Ether.



Sometimes, when we get tired of the every day vanity, we begin to dream about some boundless ocean.
The ocean in this case - it's just a symbol. Best reflects the essence of this "Ocean" clear, cloudless blue of the evening sky. You want to sink in it, dissolve, absorb it, to breathe, to sail into it, to become part of it.
The word "Ocean" best reflects the presence in the emptiness of some an uncharted, unknown, mysterious, entailing depth. In this Heavenly Ocean, perhaps, there is anything that only possible, as well as the abyss that we simply can not imagine. There is a bliss, peace and tranquility. But at the same time there is a power, gust and speed. And in all of this there is greatness and goodness, and omniscience, and an understanding of absolutely everything, and the absence of any mysteries, taboos and ignorance. This is alluring infinity, the true home of all of us. And with that this is the eternal exciting journey.

What can be compared to the universe that appears before human consciousness after death, and rarely in life? Countless Souls (elementary particles) at the same pace, like ocean waves, rolled on you, merged in a single whole and washed plunging into this ocean consciousness. And it becomes a part of that ocean, ceasing to feel their self and dissolving into the One Impersonal. And dive into that One - great bliss, with which not all earthly feelings and experiences can be put on a par.

среда, 1 октября 2014 г.



Very often, plunging into the thoughts about this manifested Universe, we can be unhappy and disappointed by dictates of the laws of the Spirit, Soul and Matter. Distant goals of the Creative Space are incomprehensible for people. We do not know where it came from, what constitutes, where is located and whether it is appropriate in relation to this "Something" in general, any discussion about the boundaries and whereabouts.
Why is this space, which we are part, follows the path of creating a "Holy Trinity" – that is, Matter, Spirit and elementary particles (the Souls, which are the result of combining the first two). This way is such difficult and thorny.
Organisms are the result of combining of the particles of different quality and different plans - appreciate in the first place only their own existence.
Why the Space could not create beings already in the form that would be needed? What for all this violence, all these births and deaths, pain and suffering? Yes, they are, but for what all this? Why the Space could not do, creating a phenomenal world, without all this? Maybe this manifested Universe - is not the only variant and were and will be different?
Why the Space "ventured" all this "epopee" with the existence of particles of different quality. Fields of Attraction and Repulsion - these are the mechanisms of convergence with each other and further away of particles and chemical elements. But why the Space, if it is able to create ether ad centers of power, needs these fields for the connection and disconnection of the particles?
Why, for what it's all invented and exists, and who is the "author" of this cruel world? Is it impossible to do without all of this imperfection?
But as a rule, the ideas about the nature of the Space come to replace these puzzled thoughts.
Maybe this version of the manifested universe is not forever? Maybe this variant with all its Laws of Involution and Evolution, Attraction and Repulsion and the devouring by one kingdom another - it is really just one of the options? And were another Universes before, and others will be after that?
And the Space is just playing with itself. Maybe these "games" – are the only thing for which it exists, the only "occupation", which is available to it? Maybe these "games" are the natural activity of this Something - an act of ceaseless enjoying the fact that it first creates and then destroys?
We accept the laws of the universe as a given. We even there is no doubt in the fact that everything is as it should be. But it may be, that Space "having played enough" this version of the Universe "erases" all existing elementary particles and then "come up with" something new.
What if in the new version of the Universe will not be anything familiar - no chemical elements and elementary particles, or celestial bodies, no plants, no animals, no people, no women, no men, no kids? Someone will say: "But how is that possible?" But it tells in us the familiar, well-established worldview. We do not know all capabilities of this Space. We do not even guess...